
VSCode #

Microsoft/vscode Github stars Language Last Tag Last commit

安装 #

brew cask install visual-studio-code

配置 #


    "gitlens.advanced.messages": {
        "suppressShowKeyBindingsNotice": true
    "gitlens.historyExplorer.enabled": true,
    "java.errors.incompleteClasspath.severity": "ignore",
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    "materialTheme.accentPrevious": "Breaking Bad",
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    "python.jediEnabled": false,
    "leetcode.endpoint": "leetcode-cn",
    "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
    "leetcode.defaultLanguage": "golang",
    "leetcode.hint.configWebviewMarkdown": false,
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    "[go]": {
        "editor.formatOnSave": true,
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.organizeImports": true,
        // Optional: Disable snippets, as they conflict with completion ranking.
        "editor.snippetSuggestions": "none",
    "[go.mod]": {
        "editor.formatOnSave": true,
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.organizeImports": true,
    "gopls": {
         // Add parameter placeholders when completing a function.
        "usePlaceholders": true,

        // If true, enable additional analyses with staticcheck.
        // Warning: This will significantly increase memory usage.
        "staticcheck": false,
    "leetcode.workspaceFolder": "/Users/yewang/.leetcode",
    "leetcode.hint.commandShortcut": false,
    // Configure glob patterns for excluding files and folders.
    // For example, the files explorer decides which files and folders to show or hide based on this setting.
    // Read more about glob patterns [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).
	"files.exclude": {
		"**/.git": true,
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        "**/.classpath": true,
        "**/.project": true,
        "**/.settings": true,
        "**/.factorypath": true
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    "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": true,
    "terminal.integrated.shell.osx": "/bin/zsh",
    // 为了使用 agnoster zsh 主题
    "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Meslo LG M DZ for Powerline",
    // "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Meslo LG M for Powerline",
    "terminal.integrated.rendererType": "dom",
    "terminal.integrated.copyOnSelection": true,
    "sourcetrail.startServerAtStartup": true,
    // vim
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            "before": [
            "commands": [
            "before": [
            "commands": [
            "before": [
            "commands": [
            "before": [
            "commands": [
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    // "vim.insertModeKeyBindings": [
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    "[html]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
    // Activate Python Environment in Terminal created using the Extension.
    "python.terminal.activateEnvironment": false,
    // Path to folder with a list of Virtual Environments (e.g. ~/.pyenv, ~/Envs, ~/.virtualenvs).
    "python.venvPath": "~/.local/share/virtualenvs",
    "editor.largeFileOptimizations": false,
    "C_Cpp.updateChannel": "Insiders",
    "[markdown]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
    // Format a file on save. A formatter must be available, the file must not be saved after delay, and the editor must not be shutting down.
    "editor.formatOnSave": false,
    "[cpp]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-vscode.cpptools"
    "clang-format.executable": "/Users/yewang/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode.cpptools-0.27.0-insiders3/LLVM/bin/clang-format.darwin",
    "[json]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "HookyQR.beautify"
    // markdownlint config object
    "markdownlint.config": {
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        "MD040": false,
        "MD045": false,
    "markdownlint.run": "onSave",
    "window.title": "${dirty} ${activeEditorMedium}${separator}${rootName}",
    // 右侧概览 用色块代替缩小的字符; 设置水平最大列数; 始终显示滑块
    "editor.minimap.renderCharacters": false,
    "editor.minimap.maxColumn": 200,
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    // 标签
    "editor.smoothScrolling": true,
    "editor.cursorBlinking": "phase",
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    // 最后一行
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    // 取消最后空格
    "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
    // 取消发送给 ms
    "telemetry.enableCrashReporter": false,
    "telemetry.enableTelemetry": false,
    "workbench.settings.enableNaturalLanguageSearch": false,
    // "editor.renderWhitespace": "all",

    "editor.wordWrap": "on",
	// Fit code within this line limit
	// "prettier.printWidth": 80,
	// Controls the wrapping column of the editor when `editor.wordWrap` is `wordWrapColumn` or `bounded`.
    // "editor.wordWrapColumn": 80,

    "python.formatting.autopep8Args": [
    "javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "always",
    "[javascript]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "HookyQR.beautify"
    "[java]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "redhat.java"
    "[yaml]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
    "java.semanticHighlighting.enabled": true,
    "extensions.ignoreRecommendations": true,
    "java.project.importOnFirstTimeStartup": "automatic",
    "picgo.picBed.current": "github",
    "picgo.picBed.github.repo": "ikingye/imagehost",
    "picgo.picBed.github.token": "",
    "picgo.picBed.github.branch": "master",
    "picgo.picBed.github.customUrl": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ikingye/imagehost",
    "picgo.picBed.github.path": "picgo/",
    "picgo.customOutputFormat": "![](${url})",
    "sonarlint.rules": {
        "Web:LinkToImageCheck": {
            "level": "off"
    "python.showStartPage": false,
    "hediet.vscode-drawio.codeLinkActivated": true,

    // "hediet.vscode-drawio.theme": "dark"
    // set light theme
    "hediet.vscode-drawio.theme": "atlas",
    // "hediet.vscode-drawio.theme": "Kennedy",

    // Configure which editor to use for specific file types.
	"workbench.editorAssociations": {
        "*.png": "hediet.vscode-drawio",
        "*.svg": "hediet.vscode-drawio-text",
        "*.drawio": "hediet.vscode-drawio-text",
        "*.ipynb": "jupyter-notebook"
    "[dockerfile]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-azuretools.vscode-docker"
    "jupyter.sendSelectionToInteractiveWindow": true,
    "pasteImage.defaultName": "YMMDDHHmmss",
    "pasteImage.path": "${projectRoot}/private/static/image/2021",
    "jupyter.alwaysTrustNotebooks": true,
    "tabnine.experimentalAutoImports": true,
    "[php]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "bmewburn.vscode-intelephense-client"
    "todo-tree.tree.showScanModeButton": true,
    "todo-tree.regex.regex": "(//|#|<!--|;|/\\*|^|^\\s*(-|\\d+.))\\s*($TAGS)",
    "todo-tree.general.tags": [
        "[ ]",
    "todo-tree.highlights.customHighlight": {
        "[ ]": {
            "background": "#ff000080"
        "[x]": {
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        "TODO": {
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            "type": "line"
        "FIXME": {
            "foreground": "black",
            "iconColour": "yellow",
            "gutterIcon": true
    "go.toolsManagement.autoUpdate": true,
    "go.toolsEnvVars": {
        "GOPROXY": "https://goproxy.cn,direct",
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": null,
    "editor.accessibilitySupport": "off",
    "security.workspace.trust.startupPrompt": "never",
    "security.workspace.trust.enabled": false,
    "redhat.telemetry.enabled": true,
    "files.associations": {
        "*.md": "markdown"
    "notebook.cellToolbarLocation": {
        "default": "right",
        "jupyter-notebook": "left"
    "workbench.editor.untitled.hint": "hidden",
    "workbench.colorTheme": "Material Theme",
    "cSpell.enableFiletypes": [
    "bracketPairColorizer.depreciation-notice": false,


插件 #

插件列表 #

code --list-extensions
code --list-extensions --show-versions

ouuan/my-vscode-extensions Github stars Language Last Tag Last commit

List your installed VS Code extensions in a Markdown file


推荐插件 #

ESLint格式化 - JavaScript★★★★

ESLint #

Microsoft/vscode-eslint Github stars Language Last Tag Last commit

TabNine #

codota/tabnine-vscode Github stars Language Last Tag Last commit

Tabnine works with all major programming languages including JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, PHP, C/C++, HTML/CSS, Go, Java, Ruby, C#, Rust, SQL, Bash, Kotlin, Julia, Lua, OCaml, Perl, Haskell, and React.​


PicGo/vs-picgo #


format #

autopep8 #


"python.formatting.autopep8Args": [

Draw.io #

hediet/vscode-drawio Github stars Language Last Tag Last commit

This unofficial extension integrates Draw.io (also known as diagrams.net) into VS Code.


For set light theme, add in your settings.json next:

    "hediet.vscode-drawio.theme": "atlas"
    // or if you'd like white menu on the top, not blue, use "Kennedy" theme
    "hediet.vscode-drawio.theme": "Kennedy"
    // or if you mostly view, not edit, use "minimal" theme
    "hediet.vscode-drawio.theme": "min"

    "hediet.vscode-drawio.theme": "dark"


Paste Image #

mushanshitiancai/vscode-paste-image Github stars Language Last Tag Last commit

paste image from clipboard to markdown/asciidoc directly!

快捷键 #

选择 #

  • 选中所有同一个词 cmd + shift + L

跳转 #

  • 左右括号跳转 cmd + shift + \
  • 跳到定义 cmd + 鼠标左键单击
  • 返回光标上一个位置 ctrl + -

编辑 #

  • 格式化 opt + shift + f

选择 #

  • 选中所有同一个词 ctrl + shift + L

跳转 #

  • 左右括号跳转 ctrl + shift + \
  • 跳到定义 ctrl + 鼠标左键单击
  • 返回光标上一个位置 alt + ←

Debug #


常见问题 #

Could not create temporary directory: Permission denied #

sudo chown -R $USER ~/Library/Caches/*

教程 #


